The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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1,513 lines
(C) Copyright Andy Phillips, 1985-90
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp., 1985-90 (portions)
This program, written in Compiled Basic, is intended for
teachers who wish to use their computer to record and calculate
their students' marks. The program has been designed to run on
most IBM compatible computers with one or more floppy disk drives
and at least 128K of memory. Either a monochrome or colour
monitor may be used. The program is ideally suited for a hard
drive system, however, it can be used effectively with either a
double 5.25 floppy drive, or a single 3.5 drive system.
Please take the time to read through this manual carefully
before attempting to use the program. The section on SETTING UP A
NEW COURSE is extremely important. Appendix 1. CALCULATIONS
should be studied in detail to make certain that the program
calculates student marks as you would.
This program can handle up to 50 students in a given class, up to 50
sets of marks for each student, and from one to four terms per
semester. It works equally well for semestered or non-semestered
schools. The number of courses saved in any given data path
is restricted to 50 or less. The largest possible course (50
students and 50 sets of marks) requires approximately 23K for its
data, another 23K if the data is backed up, and 9K more if
individual comments are saved. An average class will require
approximately 15K, including back up and comments. Version 3.0
will double the number of tests and students that the program will
The program itself consists of six modules, each of which
handles different tasks. These are outlined below:
MRS.EXE is the System module. It is primarily used to record
MRE.EXE is the Edit module. It allows the user to edit any
information previously recorded.
MRP.EXE is the Print module. This module is used to print
reports and class lists.
MRF.EXE is the File management module.
MRV.EXE is the Utilities module. It handles all the remaining
various features such as conversion tables and bar graphs.
BRUN10.EXE is the module which allows a compiled program to run. It
must be included to enable the other modules to run.
An optional COMMENTS file may be found on your diskette. This
file consists of a bank of comments used by the MRP module. It
can be created or edited using any word processor that produces
an ASCII text file. Each record in the file consists of four, fifty
character lines. The first contains the comment number, while the
remaining three contain the comment itself. Each line must begin
and end with the " character. This file should reside in the same
directory as your data - if not, the program will check the system
directory for the COMMENTS file.
The following files are included to facilitate the set-up of
your system.
AUTOEXEC.BAT is a batch file that will run the program
automatically when the system is turned on or re-booted.
MANUAL is this set of notes.
The remaining files used by the program are generated by the
first four modules mentioned earlier. These are:
MRX is a list of the data files on the disk.
MRL contains the letter grade conversion factors to be
used by the program.
MRO.PRT contains the printer codes for your printer.
CODES.PRT is an optional printer code file for your printer. Use it
if your printer requires long strings of code for various
*.D* holds the data for individual classes.
*.V* stores backed up data for individual classes.
*.P* stores the printer settings used by the MRP module.
*.W* holds the category weightings for each class.
*.C* are lists of comments saved for individual classes.
*.L* are class list saved as files.
*.S* are seating plans saved as files.
*.A* are printed reports saved on disk rather that being
sent to the printer.
-Format a DOS 2.0 or later SYSTEM diskette and copy the
M*.EXE and *.BAT files from the MASTER#1 disk onto it:
A>copy A:M*.EXE B: ... Press <Enter>
A>copy A:*.BAT B: ... Press <Enter>
-Format a DOS 2.0 or later DATA diskette to be used to store
your data files.
-Copy the COMMENTS file and the BRUN10.EXE file from the MASTER#2
disk to the DATA disk.
A>copy A:COMMENTS B: ... Press <Enter>
A>copy A:BRUN10.EXE B: ... Press <Enter>
-Place your system disk in drive A, and data disk in drive B.
-When you reboot, the program will run automatically, and will
use drive B for data.
-If only one floppy drive is available, you will be prompted to
switch diskettes whenever data is read or stored.
NOTE: The file COMMAND.COM must be present on your system diskette.
Also, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file must contain the line:
(See below if you need to add this line to AUTOEXEC.BAT)
-Format a DOS 3.1 or later SYSTEM diskette and copy all of the
files from the MASTER disk onto it:
A>copy A:*.* B: ... Press <Enter>
-Place your system disk in drive A.
-Create a new AUTOEXEC.BAT file by typing:
A:copy con autoexec.bat ... Press <Enter>
path=A:\;B:\; ... Press <Enter>
mrs ... Press <enter>
^Z ... Press <Enter>
... Press the F6 key to produce the ^Z
-When you reboot, the program will run automatically, and will
use drive A for data.
-Create a subdirectory called MRP .... C>MD\MRP
-Change to this subdirectory .... C>CD\MRP
-Copy all the files from the MASTER disk(s) .... C>COPY A:*.*
-To run the program, make sure that you
are in the MRP subdirectory, and enter .... C>MRS
NOTE: You can add the data path name as a parameter when starting
the program. The format must be followed exactly or strange
things may happen. Here are some acceptable examples:
A>MRS "B:" (data on drive B:)
A>MRS "B:\MARKS\" (data in subdirectory MARKS on drive B:)
C>MRS "C:\MRP\DAT\" (data in subdirectory MRP\DAT on drive C:)
The format is MRS followed by 1 blank followed by the path,
which must be within quotation marks if called from a batch
The main menu provides you with 10 options. These are listed below
together with a brief description:
F1) RECORD MARKS/SET UP NEW COURSE Enter marks to be recorded.
F2) EDIT MARKS/STUDENT NAMES Edit any information previously recorded.
F3) PRINTED REPORTS Print individual or class reports.
F4) BAR GRAPHS Display or print bar graphs of recorded marks.
F5) FILE MANAGER Back up or rename files, or recover lost files.
F6) CONVERSION/COMPLETION Display or print mark conversion/completion
TABLES tables.
F7) CHANGE DATA PATH Select a different drive or subdirectory
for your data.
F8) PRINT CLASS LISTS/ Print lists of student names (no marks) or
SEATING PLANS seating plans.
F9) CONFIGURE PRINTER/ Allows you to set your printer commands if
RESET SCREEN COLOURS you have a non-Epson type printer, and to set
the foreground and background screen colours.
F0) EXIT Exit to DOS.
To accept the default option (flashing) just press <Enter>.
Pressing any digit from 0 to 9 will activate that option.
The corresponding function keys may be used, or you can use the
up or down cursor keys to select your option. Note: F0 refers
to the F10 function key.
You are offered the 5 options listed below:
F1) RECORD MARKS Enter marks for courses already set up.
F2) SET UP A NEW COURSE Enter the information for a new course.
want to use student alias or number.
F4) RESET LETTER GRADES Set the letter grades to fit your
requirements. See page 13.
F5) RESET CATEGORY WEIGHTS You may use this feature to arbitrarilly
pre-set the category weights. These
values are only used when consolidating.
You will be asked for the following information relating to the
course you wish to set up: (Any information that you are uncertain
of may be skipped - errors and omissions can be corrected later.)
A) COURSE NAME Use up to 8 characters (A to Z or 0 to 9, do
not use spaces or other non-alphanumerics).
B) SECTION NUMBER Use up to 2 digits. (A leading 0 will be added
to single digit sections. The period number
may be used if preferred.)
If data for a course with this name and section number already
exists, you will be given the option of entering a new course name,
or of replacing the existing data with the new.
A) TEACHER NAME You may include MR or MS etc.
B) FLIP-FLOP Y/N If selected, this option will switch
the % for the exam with the % for the
term - only if it benefits the student.
This option may be turned on/off for
each term. The default is (N)o.
C) DROP LOWEST MARK Y/N If selected, the lowest (M)ajor term
test mark obtained by the student
will not be counted against him.
Other marks are not affected by
this option. This option may be turned
on/off for each term. The default is (N)o.
D) MINIMUM PASSING %AGE Set to the lowest percentage that
is to be considered a pass. The
usual value is 50 for 50%.
E) NUMBER OF TERMS The default is 2, but 1, 3 or 4 terms
are allowed. A term is defined as
a set of marks which are assigned a
proportion of the YEAR MARK. A term
must end with an EXAM MARK. (For
courses with no term exam, you
must create a dummy exam, giving each
student an 'abs' for a mark.)
F) % OF YEAR FOR TERM 1 If you have 2 or more terms, this is
the percent of the YEAR MARK (ex-
cluding the final exam) that the
first term will count.
G) % OF YEAR FOR TERM 2 If you have 3 terms, this is the
percent of the YEAR MARK that the
second term will count.
H) % OF YEAR FOR TERM 3 If you have 4 terms, this is the
percent of the YEAR MARK that the
third term will count.
Notice that F), G) and H) may be omitted depending on the number of
terms. The percent assigned to the last term will be calculated
Exam marks are used by the program to signal the end of a term so
that a REPORT MARK can be calculated. Thus, if no actual exam is
given, you will have to create a dummy exam. The data you enter for
this exam is not important as long as you assign each student a
'abs' mark. If there are 2 or more terms, a YEAR TO DATE mark will
be automatically calculated once the first term's exam mark has been
entered. If you wish to use pre-determined category weights, you
will need to consolidate and recalculate (See EDITING MARKS).
Some teachers may prefer to adjust the weight assigned to term 1
on a continuing basis, as they work through term 2. This will
make the YEAR TO DATE mark more meaningful, especially early in
term 2 where the first test mark will actually assume the total
weight assigned to term 2.
It must be emphasized that the percentages assigned to each term
refer to how the YEAR MARK is to be calculated. The YEAR MARK is
the one averaged with the final exam to produce the final REPORT
MARK. As an example, say that in a two term system, the first term
REPORT MARK (an average of term tests and exam) is to be combined
with the second TERM MARK (which does not include the final exam) in
the ratio of 60:40. You would enter 60 at the F) prompt. Note: the
percent assigned to each exam will be entered as the weight of
that exam at the time that the exam marks are being entered.
At this point, you can either change the values that you have
entered, or save them.
NOTE: Pressing the <Esc> key will return you to the previous menu in
almost all cases. Any data that has not been saved may be lost.
Next, you will be required to type in the names of the students in
your class. Type their surname followed by a space, or comma, followed
by their given name. Do not use lower case. (You will have noticed
that upper case has been automatically selected by the program, which
also automatically turns on the numeric keypad -- Please do not press
either the <Num Lock> nor <Caps Lock> keys while in the program.)
If you have decided to use the ALIAS FEATURE, after each name has
been entered, you will be prompted to add a 1 to 10 character 'alias'
or student number. This 'alias' can be used to print class lists
that can be posted and still retain the confidentiality of each
student. Just press <Enter> each time if you do not wish to assign
an alias to the student.
If you notice any obvious mistakes in the list, press the <Tab> key
(found right under the <Esc> key) to move back to the name to allow
you to re-enter it. To move back down the list press <Enter>. Enter
the names in any order. When the list is complete, you will be given
the option of having the list sorted alphabetically.
RECORDING MARKS (See SPREADSHEET on page 11 for an alternate method)
Before you can record any marks you must select the appropriate
course. A list of all the courses that have previously been set up
will be provided. To select the course, type its number.
For your convenience, the title of the last set of marks to be
entered will be displayed. For each set of marks you will have to
give the following information:
A) TOPIC OR DESCRIPTION Give a title for the evaluation data to be
entered. E.g. TEST 1
B) EVALUATION DATE Enter the date in the form mmm dd.
E.g. MAY 03 (use up to 8 characters).
C) CATEGORY You must select a category for the evaluation.
This can be any letter from A to Z, or @ for
attendance and ! for lates. Four letters,
(T)erm, (Y)ear, (F)inal and (E)xam are reserved
and should be avoided. If E for exam is
selected, you will be warned that no other
marks can later be entered for that term, so
make certain that all of the term's evaluations
have been entered before entering the exam mark.
Use (S) as the category when setting up a seating
plan - make sure you weight the mark at 0!
D) MAXIMUM MARK ALLOWED This is the total number of marks available
for this evaluation. You cannot enter a 0
since that would result in division by 0
when the percentages are calculated. For
attendance or lates, enter any non-zero
value such as 100. For a seating plan use
RS where R is the number of rows and S is the
number of seats in a row. Any arragement from
41 to 99 is acceptable. (56 = 5 rows, 6 seats)
E) MARK VALUE (WEIGHT) This is the weight you wish to assign this
evaluation. When the TERM MARK is
calculated, the weights are added to arrive
at a total weight. Thus the weight you
assign to any given evaluation determines
its importance in the calculation of the
TERM MARK. The weight assigned to an exam
is the percentage of the REPORT MARK
assigned to that exam. Set the weights of
attendance, lates and seating plans to 0.
[Note: If your department has a fixed policy assigning specific
weights to given categories, such as "homework 10%", use the
following procedure:
2) Assign a weight to each category you intend to use. For example,
set M (major tests) at 70, Q (quizzes) at 20, P (participation)
at 10 and leave all the others at 0.
4) Consolidate the categories selected above, then select RECALULATE
Once these values have been saved, you will be asked to enter the
individual mark for each student. You can enter any positive mark
from 1 to 3 digits followed by an optional single character code.
This code can be any printable character. E.g. 27M (for make-up
test), 50* (for adjusted mark). Do not use F as it is reserved
for a failing mark. F's are automatically inserted by the program.
If you prefer, you may enter the letter grades A+,A,A-,...,F+,F,F-.
The program will instantly convert these to the numeric values that
have previously been assigned. You can redefine these values using
RECORD MARKS menu. Pressing just <Enter> will assign "abs " to the
student, which results in the test not being counted for that student.
This has the effect of assigning an ESTIMATED MARK to that student.
An abs student will not appear on a printed seating plan.
Pressing the <Esc> key, while entering marks, will cause all marks not
yet entered to be set to 'abs'. This feature is useful in setting up
the 'dummy' exam referred to above. If you have entered a few marks
for a test and have to finish later, just press the <Esc> key to save
your work. Use the SPREADSHEET option of the EDIT MARKS menu to
complete your mark entry. Note: Use the <Tab> and <Enter> keys to
move up and down the list if you need to correct any errors.
If you wish to assign decimal marks such as 23.7 you cannot use the
code feature. E.g. 23.7M will not record properly. Only 1 decimal
place is allowed.
When @ for absences or ! for lates are selected as the category,
an accumulated total will be created automatically. Previously
recorded accumulated totals will be deleted.
After selecting the course to edit, you will be allowed to change
any of the data that has been previously entered: Just press the
letter corresponding to the incorrect item and type in the new
value. The EDIT MARKS menu will then appear. It has the
following 10 options:
F1) EDIT STUDENT NAMES You can re-enter any
student name. The new list
can be sorted automatically.
Use to add an alias.
F2) EDIT ENTERED MARKS You will be allowed to
change individual student
marks, as well as the data
for a given set of marks.
F3) ADD A STUDENT New students can be added
to the class list. All tests
missed will be set to 'abs'.
F4) DELETE A STUDENT Students can be removed
from the class list.
F5) RECORD ALL CHANGES All changes made are lost
unless this option is selected
before leaving this menu.
F6) RECALCULATE TERM MARKS The term marks for students
are not recalculated after
editing unless this option
is selected. This is to
allow a teacher the privilege
of adjusting term marks.
F7) SPREADSHEET This is the fastest way to
edit marks. Up to 10 sets
of marks can be displayed
at one time for up to 15
F8) DELETE A SET OF MARKS/UN/CONSOLIDATE Entire sets of marks can be
deleted or groups of marks
can be consolidated so that
specific weights can be
individual students for
recalculation - non-selected
students will not be affected.
After student names have been edited you will be given the option
of having them sorted alphabetically. You can include a 10 character
alias or student number, so that class lists can be posted that pre-
serve the confidentiality of each student. Press <Enter>, when
prompted, if you do not wish to assign an alias to the edited name.
This feature can be switched on or off from this menu.
This option will allow you to change any of the values that were
earlier assigned to a set of marks, such as weight etc. An additional
feature is the ability to change the order in which the marks are
stored: Thus, if you wish to have the fifth set of marks stored as
the second set, you simply change its order number from 5 to 2. The
other sets of marks will be re-ordered automatically. Select this
feature to scale marks, or to make a copy of a set of marks. The
copy will be assigned the lower case category of the original (its
ASCII value plus 32), otherwise it will be identical in every
If you wish to scale a set of marks, select the EDIT ENTERED MARKS
option from the EDIT MARKS menu. When all the existing marks have
been displayed on the screen, press S to scale. You will be warned
that scaling replaces recorded marks with scaled marks, and be given
a chance to abort. If you continue, you will be allowed to adjust
the highest and lowest marks, the median, and the number of failures.
The program will then scale the recorded marks to reflect the desired
values. It is suggested that you restrict scaling to TERM or REPORT
marks, since these marks can be re-calculated by the program if you
are not happy with the results of scaling.
If new students have missed any evaluations due to their late arrival,
they will have an 'abs' recorded for each such missed mark. You can
edit these later, if necessary, by selecting option 1) EDIT
INDIVIDUAL MARKS or option 7) SPREADSHEET. After new students have
been added, you will be given the option of sorting the list. To
add an alias to the new student, you can first switch on this feature.
When you then enter a new name, you will be prompted for the student
When students are deleted all records for those students are lost, so
make sure that you have a printed record of their marks before
deleting them.
To allow the user the option of experimenting with different
parameters such as weights of tests etc, changes made are not recorded
to disk right away. This also gives the user a second chance to make
sure that any changes are to be made permanent. Thus when you are
convinced that the changes that you have made are correct, you can
select this option to record them to disk.
NOTE: Whenever this option is exercised, the program will
automatically create a back up file before recording the changes to
disk. This back up file will be named *.V*. Eg. MCA0A.D01 would be
backed up as MCA0A.V01. If your new file is damaged use the option
FILE MANAGER from the MAIN MENU to recover the backed up version.
You will be warned if you try to leave the edit menu without first
recording all changes. If you do not wish to record your changes,
press <N>. The message WORKING! will appear to show that the
computer's memory is being cleared of changes to that course's data.
When marks are edited, the term marks are not automatically
recalculated. This is to allow a teacher to subjectively adjust term
marks where necessary. If this were not so, changing a 49 to 50 would
not be possible, since the computer would automatically recalculate it
as a 49. This option must be selected, however, if test marks are
edited which might affect the term mark. This option only
recalculates the term marks for the current term. Thus if marks for
term 2 have been entered, changing individual marks from term 1 will
not affect the term mark for term 1. The term mark for term 1 would
have to be calculated manually and be edited itself. To recalculate
the term marks for an individual student, select option F9). To
recalculate the term marks of all students, select option F6).
If you wish to use the pre-set category weights, you must consolidate
before recalculating the term marks.
To use the SPREADSHEET to enter marks for up to 9 sets of tests,
enter En where n is the number of tests. Each test will be assigned
a weight and maximum mark of 100. These values can be edited once
all marks have been entered. This alternate way of entering marks
has the advantage of letting you enter marks by student rather than
by test. The cursor moves horizontally rather than vertically.
When the last mark has been entered the program automatically
allows you to edit the test information for each of the entered
To use the SPREADSHEET to edit marks, select up to 10 sets of marks
to be edited. When you have made your selection, these marks for the
first 15 students in your class will be displayed. Press 'S' to see
the marks of more students, or 'M' to have more marks displayed.
Pressing 'Q' will return you to the EDIT MENU.
To edit individual marks, press <Enter>. The first student name will
be highlighted (flashing), as will the top left mark. To change
any mark, use the cursor keys to move around the spreadsheet (If
the cursor keys don't seem to work, try 'U' for up 'D' for down
'L' for left or 'R' for right) until the mark you wish to edit is
highlighted. Now press <Enter> to edit this mark. Enter the new
value and press <Enter>.
If you have a number of 'abs' or failing marks in a given column
for which you would like to enter new marks, move to the first
such mark in that column and press 'A' for AUTO MODE. Now as you
enter each mark, the computer will automatically go down the
column until it finds the next 'abs' or failing mark. Pressing
'O' at any time will get you (O)ut of AUTO MODE.
NOTE: Please do not forget to recalculate the term marks (if
necessary) and to record all changes after leaving the
When this option is selected, a list of the recorded marks will be
displayed. Select the # of the set to be deleted and press Y to
delete the set or N if you have changed your mind. Remember, no
changes are final until you select the option RECORD ALL CHANGES
from the EDIT MENU. Thus you will have still have one more chance to
change your mind. If you delete (T)erm, (E)xam, (F)inal or (Y)ear
marks, you run the risk of confusing the program, which could destroy
the validity of its calculations. Make certain you know what you are
doing before deleting any of these categories.
There are two reasons why you might wish to consolidate marks:
1) It looks like you may exceed the maximum of 50 sets of marks
for each student, or
2) You wish to assign to each category of marks a certain weight
to be used in calculating the term mark.
When you select this option a warning will be given advising you
to make certain that you have either backed up your data, or have
printed out a hard copy of the marks to be consolidated. Once
marks have been consolidated, the original weights are made negative so
that only the consolidated marks are used when recalculating.
The program assumes that no more than 26 different categories (A-Z)
will be used in any one term. You will be asked to select the
categories to be consolidated or press <Space> to consolidate all of them.
You can consolidate any or all terms, but remember, once a new term
has been started, earlier term marks can only be recalculated manually.
Once consolidation has occured, you might consider deleting the old
sets of marks to make room for the next term's marks. If, after con-
solidation has occurred, you wish to change some recorded marks, delete
the consolidated "super" totals, then select UNconsolidate, which will
reset all the negative weights back to their original values. Now edit
the marks as usual then re-consolidate once more.
The consolidation process is as follows:
1) The first category in the current term is identified.
2) The entire current term is then searched for other marks in the
same category.
3) A new set of marks is then produced which represents the average
marks for that category based on the weights assigned to the
individual sets of marks.
4) All the original weights in this category are set to negative values.
5) The next category is selected.
6) Steps 2), 3), and 4) are repeated until all the categories have
been consolidated.
Also, E, F, S, T, Y, !, and @ values are not affected by this procedure.
Consolidation adds up the weights of all consolidated categories to
find a total weight for each category. Use the RECORD MARKS MENU to
pre-set these weights to the desired proportions, then select
If, after consolidation, you wish to edit individual marks, follow
this procedure:
1) Delete the consolidated "super" total mark sets.
2) Select UNconsolidate.
3) Edit the required marks, re-consolidate, then re-calculate.
The program has been designed to produce a default set of letter
grade values. Each user is expected to reset these values to
reflect the evaluation policy of his/her department. There are
two sets of letter grades: The first is the lower bound of each
grade (eg. If B's lower bound is 75, and B-'s lower bound is 70,
then a mark from 70 to 74 would be printed as a B-); The second is
the mark value of each letter grade (eg. If B is set at 77, then
entering a B as a student grade will result as a 77 being
recorded.) Letter grades and absolute marks can be entered
interchangeably ie, entering a 77 for the first student and a B
for the second would result in both students being assigned a 77.
The only legitimate letter grades are A+,A,A-,...,F+,F,F-. Any
other letter might produce a mark of 100! To eliminate a possible
letter grade as a choice, set its lower bound to 110.
If you wish to print out class lists with no marks, select item 8 from
the MAIN MENU. You can then print class lists with from 0 to 35
vertical columns. These lists are suitable for recording marks or for
attendance. These lists are not sorted alphabetically.
When item 3 is selected from the MAIN MENU, you are once again asked
to select the set of marks to be operated on.
Once a set of marks has been selected, a list of the print
defaults is displayed. These are described below:
A) LINES PER INCH 6/4 The default is 6.
B) CHARACTERS PER INCH 10/17 The default is 10, which allows up
to 10 sets of marks per student per
page. 17 allows up to 20 sets/page.
C) CHART FORMAT Prints class lists in chart format.
D) IBM GRAPHIC CHRS Uses graphic characters to create
the chart referred to in C).
E) RANK STUDENTS Prints the ranking of each student
in the class.
F) FORMAT Abs Let % Wt Allows marks to be printed as
entered (A), as letter grades (L),
as percentages (P), or per weight (W).
G) RANGE LOW PERCENT Set the percent of the lowest
student to be printed.
H) RANGE HIGH PERCENT Set the percent of the highest
student to be printed.
I) INCLUDE CODES Refers to the optional 1 character
codes. If selected, failures will
automatically be coded with an F.
J) INCLUDE MEDIANS The median of each set of marks will
be printed.
K) INCLUDE MEANS/S.D. The mean (average) and standard
deviation of each set will be printed.
L) INCLUDE % FAILURE The % failure will be printed for
each set of marks.
M) INCLUDE MAXIMUM MARK The mark that each set is out of
will be printed.
N) INCLUDE WEIGHT The weight assigned to each set of
marks will be printed.
O) SELECT STUDENTS Allows you to select by name those
students to be printed.
P) PRINT Abs Est N/m Blank Lets you choose the code to be
printed when a student is absent for
an evaluation.
Most options can be switched to their alternate value by simply
pressing the letter that corresponds to them. The exceptions are
G) and H) whose values must be entered.
A) and B) allow you to select the print spacing most suited to
your needs. C) and D) allow you to use lines to separate
individual marks. Activate D) only if your printer is capable
of printing these characters. If your chart ends up with italic
characters instead of lines, set D) back to N)o.
E) will assign to each student his/her rank in the class. These
rankings will appear in the column to the left of the student
names when class reports are printed. The rank will appear to
the right of the class median when individual reports are
F) allows you to select the form in which the marks will be
(A)bsolute will print the marks exactly as entered.
(L)etter will convert them to letter grades before printing.
(P)ercent will convert them to percentages before printing.
(W)eight prints the mark relative to the assigned weight (eg
a mark of 50% on a test weighted at 30 would print as 15).
G) and H) allow you to select the range of marks to be printed.
For example, setting G) to 0 and H) to 49 will print only your
failing student marks. Set G) to 75 and H) to 100), and your
honour list will be printed. Note: As a precaution set H) to 110
to print any student who may have over 100%.
Options I), J), K), L), M), and N) allow you to generate
statistics for each set of marks.
If you wish to produce reports on individual students, set option
O) to Y. You will be asked to select students by name.
P) lets you use either (A)abs (E)est (N)n/m or (B)blank as
the code for an evaluation that has been recorded as 'abs'.
To force a REPORT MARK to be printed as N/M, edit the recorded
report mark as 'abs' using the EDIT MENU, then select (N) here.
After you have saved the print defaults, you will be asked to
select the marks to be printed. You can press A to select all of
them, or an individual set, or a range of marks such as 5-9.
Selected sets will be flagged with an asterisk. When you have
made your decision, press C to continue.
Once all calculations have been made, a new menu will appear with
the following options:
M Return to the MAIN menu.
C Print a class report.
A Print a class report using alias names.
I Print individual report cards, one for each student.
D Adjust the report date, or create a message.
P Print more reports.
R Re-direct the output.
X Exit directly to DOS.
C or A will produce class reports. If more marks have been requested
than can fit on one page, the program will automatically move to a
new page, and print the heading on it before continuing. An FF to the
left of a student's name indicates that his marks have been flip
flopped. C uses actual names while A uses alias' if they have been
previously recorded. If A is selected, the list will be sorted
alphabetically by alias.
If I is selected, you will be given the opportunity of adding
comments to the report for each student. If you decline, a space
can be provided on each report for you to write in any comments
by hand. If you select this option, each student's marks will
appear on the screen and you will be allowed to write up to three
lines of comments for him/her. If you wish, you may draw on the
bank of comments stored on disk: Just press the < or > key.
At this point you may also edit the number of days late and absent.
Use the - and + keys to move between students. (You can select
any comment directly by typing its reference number.)
NOTES: This option will produce a *.C* file for each class. Make
sure you have at least 9K free on your disk before attempting this.
If you have saved the days absent (category @) or late (category
!), these will automatically be inserted into the report cards.
The current date should appear as the report date. Press D to alter
the date. If you press <Enter> the date of the last entered set of
marks will appear, or you may enter the date of your choice. You may
wish to replace the date with a message such as PERIOD #1.
Pressing P will return you to the PRINT MENU so that you can print
more reports.
If you wish to send the ouput to a file rather than the printer,
press R to redirect the output. Now you can enter a new path name
for the output, eg. C:\data\. If you still wish to print the report,
just type PRINTER as the path name. Output can be directed to the
screen by typing SCREEN as the path name.
NOTES: If your printer requires long strings of characters (eg some
laser printers) for various functions, you must create a printer code
file CODES.PRT using a word processor producing ASCII text. The file
must be stored with your data. Entries must be separated by quotation
marks. The following 13 codes must be included (in this order):
reset, form feed, condensed on, cond. off, elongated on, elong. off,
double strike on, ds off, unidirect'l on, unid. off, 4 lpi, 6 lpi, 8 lpi
This feature allows you to display or print a bar graph of any set or
sets of marks that have been recorded.
You are required to select the course from which the data is to be
taken, then you must select the set (or sets) of marks to be
displayed. When more than one set is selected, each is assigned a
different colour code for display purposes (colour monitors only),
and a composite bar graph is produced. This may take a few minutes!
The character used in the bar graph can be changed: Select CONFIGURE
This option allows you to make a back up copy of any data file,
delete any data file, rename any data file, or recover a lost or
damaged data file. The back up files are named *.V* corresponding to
the original *.D* filename. Thus MAL5A.D02 would be backed up as
MAL5A.V02. You can back up a single file or all of them at once.
Similarly, you can recover just one or all of them at once.
This feature can be used to make a working copy of any file. The
new copy will be named starting with an X. Thus MCA0A.D01 would be
copied to XCA0A.D01. Use this option before consolidating marks.
This option was designed for those users unfamiliar with the DOS
operating system. If you have worked with DOS you might find it more
convenient to do your file management while in DOS.
The program will allow to to display or print sets of mark conversion
tables. You simply enter the mark that the test was out of (from 1 to
200) and the mark you want it converted to (again from 1 to 200).
You may select the marks to be calculated to either 0 or 1 decimal
Completion tables indicate the exam mark required to attain the desired
final mark given the student's current mark. Tables can be printed or
displayed for various exam weightings.
Enter the information as you would a set of marks. The description,
course code, teacher and date will be printed at the top of the plan.
Assign each student a mark of the form RS where R is their row and S is
their seat. Thus 23 means second row, third seat. The maximum mark
will tell the program the number of rows and the number of seats in
each row. Thus 56 means 5 rows, each with six seats. Any arrangement
from 41 to 99 will work. Abs students will not be printed. A class
list suitable for attendance is also printed with the seating plan.
If the data path was not set before starting (see set up), the program
automatically will use the current directory as the data directory.
This option will allow you to change the data directory to the one of
your choice. Here are some typical situations:
System Directory Data Directory
A: A: (1 drive system)
A: B: (2 drive system)
A: C:\DATA\ (floppy/hard)
C:\MRP A: (hard/floppy)
C:\MRP C:\MRP\ (hard drive)
C:\MRP C:\MRP\DATA\ (hard drive)
Note: The keyboard may lock up if you select a non-existent path.
The procedure by which marks are calculated is as follows:
1) Each student is considered one at a time.
2) Each test mark is divided by the maximum mark and then
multiplied by the weight.
3) A TOTAL MARK is found by summing all of these test marks.
4) For each test that the student does not have an 'abs', the
weights are added to produce a TOTAL WEIGHT.
5) If the DROP LOWEST MARK option has been selected, the lowest
(M)ajor test mark will be removed both from TOTAL MARK and TOTAL
WEIGHT. This only affects marks saved under category M.
6) The TERM MARK is then calculated by dividing the TOTAL MARK
by the TOTAL WEIGHT, and rounded off as in step 10).
7) The EXAM MARK is calculated as in step 2).
8) The TERM MARK is then multiplied by (100 - exam weight) and added
to the EXAM MARK to form the REPORT MARK.
9) If the FLIP-FLOP option has been selected, the weights for exam
and term are reversed (but only if it results in a higher REPORT
MARK for the student).
10)The REPORT MARK is then rounded off (55.5 becomes 56 while 55.4
would become 55).
11)The YEAR MARK (say for a two term situation) is found by
multiplying the first term's REPORT MARK by the % for first term
and the second TERM MARK by (100 - % for first term) and adding
them together.
12)The FINAL REPORT mark is calculated as in step 8) but uses the
YEAR MARK instead of the TERM MARK. It too is rounded off as
in step 10).
NOTE: You should verify that the program is producing the required
results by taking the time to manually calculate a random selection
of marks, using the above procedure, and comparing your answers to
the computer's. Remember to round off both TERM and REPORT marks.
TYPICAL PATTERNS (m represents a test mark, R a report mark
T a term mark
ONE TERM: m m T, m m T E F E an exam mark, and
F a final mark)
TWO TERMS: m m T, m m T E R,
m m T E R m m T Y, m m T E R m m T Y E F
THREE TERMS: m m T, m m T E R,
m m T E R m m T Y,
m m T E R m m T E R Y, m m T E R m m T E R m m T Y,
m m T E R m m T E R m m T Y E F
FOUR TERMS: similar to three terms.
NOTE: The final exam is assumed to cover the whole semester's
work, not just the last term's. If you are working in a two term
system where the final exam only covers the second term's work,
set up the course as though it were three terms - when all marks
have been entered, the Y mark will be the final course mark. An
alternative would be to consider the exam as just another test,
weight it accordingly, but don't use E as its category. At the
end of each term, enter a 'dummy' E exam to signal the computer
that it is to calculate the REPORT mark.
The program stores the data in two main files: MRX and c.Ds where c
represents the course name and s its section number. An example of
each is given below:
MRX 3 (number of courses)
"MCA5A .D01" }
"MAT1A .D05" } their file names
"MAL5A .D03" }
MCA5A.D01 "50","PHILLIPS",2,2,62.5,37.5,0,"Y","N",3
"SAMSON DONNA aka SAMMY " <-- an alias
"TEST #1 ","SEP 07 ","M",40,50
" 24M"
" 12 "
"TERM MARK ","SEP 07 ","T",100,100
" 75 "
" 60 "
" 30 "
In line 1: 50 is the minimum passing percentage.
PHILLIPS is the teacher name.
2 is the number of sets of recorded marks.
2 is the number of terms.
62.5 is the % of the YEAR MARK for term 1.
37.5 is the % of the TERM MARK for term 2.
0 is the % of the TERM MARK for term 3.
Y means that the FLIP-FLOP option was selected.
N means that the DROP LOWEST MARK option was not.
3 is the number of students.
In line 5: "TEST #1 " is the evaluation title.
"SEP 07 " is the evaluation date.
"M" gives the evaluation category.
40 is the mark the test was out of.
50 is the weight assigned to this mark.
Notes: The order of the marks corresponds to the order of the student
names. If, for some reason, part of your data gets destroyed,
and you have not made a back up, you might try a word processor
to salvage what remains. Follow the above guidelines when re-
creating the file.
page 21 INDEX
Absence,Attendance.....8,15 Lates.....................8
Add a Student..........9,10 Letter grades..........8,13
Alias................4,7,16 Limitations...............1
Auto Mode................12 Lines Per Inch...........14
AUTOEXEC.BAT..............2 Main Menu.................4
Back-ups..............11,17 Managing Files...........17
Bar Graphs...............17 Maximum Mark..............7
Calculations..........11,18 Means....................14
Category..................7 Medians..................14
Characters Per Inch......14 Memory Requirements.......1
Chart Format.............14 Minimum Passing %.........5
Class Lists..............14 MRL.......................2
Class Reports............16 MRO.PRT...................2
Codes..................8,14 MRX.......................2
CODES.PRT..............2,16 Number of Terms...........5
Comments...............1,16 Printer codes.....2,4,15,16
Completion tables......4,17 Printing Reports.........14
Configure Printer.........4 Program Files.............1
Consolidating..........9,12 Ranking Students......14,15
Conversion Tables........17 Recalculating Marks....9,11
Copying a set of marks...10 Record Marks Menu.........4
Course Name...............5 Recording Changes......9,11
Data File Organization...19 Recording Marks........7,11
Data Path..............3,17 Redirect Output.......16,18
Dates..................7,16 Seating plans......4,7,8,17
Delete a Student.......9,10 Scaling..................10
Deleting Marks.........9,12 Section Number............5
Disclaimers..............21 Selecting Students.......15
Drop Lowest Mark..........5 Setting Up A New Course...5
Editing Marks.......9,10,11 Spreadsheet..........8,9,11
Editing Names/Alias'...9,10 Standard Deviation.......15
Estimated Marks...........8 Statistics...............15
File Manager.............17 Student Names..........6,10
Fip-Flop...............5,16 System Setup..............4
Floppy Disk.............2,3 Teacher Name..............5
Format................14,15 Unconsolidate marks......12
Graphic Characters....14,15 Weight....................8
Hard Disk.................3 Working Copy.............17
Individual Reports.......16 Year To Date Mark.........6
The author, hereby, gives permission for anyone to copy and
distribute any of the files found on this diskette for which
the author holds a legal copyright. This does not include any
DOS operating system files or other such files for which the
author holds no legal copyright. The program files may not be
altered in any way without the express written consent of the
author. The author is not responsible for any damages which
might result through the use of this program: Use at you own
risk. Use of this program shall be considered as acceptance
of these disclaimers.
SCHOOL ACCOUNTANT Plus - Enables the school administrator to
manage departmental accounts.
TIME-TABLE Plus - Creates new student time-tables while
managing class sizes. This program
is intended to time-table a school of
up to 2000 students (semestered or not).
DEPARTMENT RECORD Plus - Creates median sheets for department
exam and report marks. May be used in
conjunction with MARK RECORD Plus.
ATTENDANCE Plus - Creates a daily absence list. Uses a
school data base to access students'
phone numbers etc.
As a registered user you will be notified of any new versions
and will be eligible for any required user support.
If you wish to become a registered user, please fill out the
registration form and send it together with a check or money
order for $20 to the following address:
W. A. Phillips
12 Beacon Avenue
Hamilton, Ontario
L8T 2N3 phone (416) 529-7509
DISKETTE FORMAT (3.5 OR 5.25):_________ !!!! (VERY IMPORTANT)
NAME: ___________________________ SCHOOL:_______________________
MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________
POSTAL CODE: _______________ PHONE: ( ) __________________
NOTE: No registration fee is required for any teacher
employed by the Hamilton Board of Education.